Here to create games and have a good time.
Work experience
2022 - Present
Honda R&D and UCSC Research Department
Programmer, Lead - Leading a team of programmers to create a simulation software in Unity that has VR elements, Data playback elements and tools for users to create scenes in (and much more) to help train a robot.
2022 - 2023
Intern - Organize game jams, create and update their website, establish guest speakers and assist in streaming.
Jan 2022 - June 2022
Contracted Software engineer - Improved the Samsung APK for Unity to Galaxy store, as well as created documentation and a blog for new developers on how to use it.
The CoderSchool
Programming instructor - Taught everything from Python to C++ to Unity and game design (and much more) to well in the 100s of students. Helped open and establish new locations. Created curriculum and marketing tools. Managed other instructors.