Dug Rats

A Game Made For Fun

Playable From Both Google Play & Itch

<- The original concept in google sheets

On this project, I was a lead programmer and designer with two other people, an artist and a UI designer. My original goal for this game was to convert a game made in Google Sheets (to practice creating unique systems for games as a class project) to an actual mobile game made in Unity as a passion project. This game focuses on combining trap effects that the player can dig up to manipulate the rats movements across the screen and get the rats to collide with each other to drop coins. The design behind this game is what makes it truly unique with the amount of interactions that can happen between the rats, traps, currency and player. 

One lesson I learned from this project is if you plan on developing for mobile, make sure you have mobile controls created to begin with. I ended up starting with computer controls so we could do lots of playtesting easier, but in the end realized a lot of our controls were too difficult to port over to mobile. We ended up going with a re-sizable UI scheme and dynamic joystick to make up for this fact that seems to work pretty well, but at the time it was quite the hassle to figure out a good solution.